August 9, 2009

Orange infused vanilla ice cream from Biltmore Estate


5 cups Heavy cream
2 cups Half and Half
1 Vanilla Bean
1 cup Sugar
12 Egg yolks
Orange Zest from 1 orange

You will need an ice cream maker for this recipe.
Heat together heavy cream, half and half, vanilla bean and sugar. Bring just to a simmer.
Temper in the egg yolks by slowly whisking them in a little at a time. Be sure liquid is not too hot, as you will curdle the eggs.
Cook mixture until it begins to thicken, then whisk in the orange zest until it is smooth.
Add the mixture to an ice cream maker. Freeze any leftovers in the desired container

1 comment:

Whynter Ice Cream Makers said...

Nice pictures.Thanks for the post.